Prof. dr Vladimir Njegomir
Editor in chief
Dear readers and authors,
As the editor in chief of the CIVITAS journal I look forward to challenges of creating a journal that will enhance the quality of research in the realm of social sciences on an international level. The goals set are high but not impossible to reach. I hereby express my gratitude to my predecessor, the former editor in chief, Professor Boris Kršev PhD, for his efforts and energy to maintain the continuity of the journal since 2011.
The CIVITAS journal has been registered at the Repository of the National Library of Serbia and at CEON as a leading journal of national importance (M51 category). One of our goals is for CIVITAS to be indexed in international databases.
CIVITAS is published and issued twice a year by the Faculty for Law and Business Studies dr Lazar Vrkatić. The journal is published in Serbian and English.
The journal gives an opportunity to authors to publish previously unpublished papers containing results of scientifically based, practically useful and socially responsible research; each paper will be evaluated by two expert anonymous reviewers.
The journal contains scientific papers from the area of law, security studies, psychology, philology and economics as well as interdisciplinary studies related to the areas mentioned.
CIVITAS is an international journal where each paper is reviewed by two anonymous expert reviewers. The aim of the publisher, Faculty for Law and Business Studies dr Lazar Vrkatić has been to promote the exchange of ideas among researchers employed at the institution with those from the region, a project that has become widely accepted.
The authors whose papers have been published as well as the frequent citations from those papers demonstrate the openness of the journal to welcome all researchers. The rising interest among authors from Serbia and from the region is a confirmation of the journal’s quality and recognition.
We proudly note that the journal CIVITAS has received, within a fairly short time , favourable acceptance not only among fellow researchers but also by the wider audience. This gives the editorial board a powerful motive for further improvement.
Prof. dr Vladimir Njegomir
Editor in chief