SR-ID 261516807

ISSN: 2217-4958

ISSN: 2466-5363 (on-line)

Year: 2023.

Editor’s Note

Dear Readers, Colleagues, and Authors,
Welcome to the first issue of the CIVITAS Journal for 2024.
For the past 14 years, the CIVITAS journal has published articles focusing on various current developments and topics related to law, security, psychology, philology, and economics, as well as interdisciplinary research involving the above fields.
In 2021, the journal was awarded the M51 ranking by the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, and classified as a leading national journal.
The journal has been also indexed in the ERIH PLUS academic journal index for the HSS (Humanities and Social Sciences) society in Europe.
The articles accepted for publication examine a wide range of topicsrelated to social sciences and humanities, from the relationship between unemployment, coping styles, perceived social support, and life satisfaction, basic psychological needs as sources of motivation for learning anatomy, psychometric properties of the entrepreneurial inclination scale, gender-based violence, working hours as an expression of the principle of humanization of work, legal aspects of secret monitoring and recording, domestic violence, theoretical foundations of the effec-
tiveness of using security cameras, the criminal offense of inciting national, racial, and religious hatred and intolerance, criminal law aspects of non-compliance with court decisions, and the use of English for specific purposes.
The information about the journal, instructions for authors and reviewers, editorial board members, and reviewers’ names and affiliations are available on the journal website in Serbian and English.
The articles may be submitted via the journal web page or via email to
On behalf of the Editorial Board and myself, our sincere thanks to all the authors and contributors for the high quality of the articles in this issue.
Hoping that this issue will inspire further research, we invite all interested researchers to submit their articles for publication in CIVITAS.

Until the next issue,

Professor Vladimir Njegomir
Novi Sad, 10 July 2024



Dušana Šakan, Nikola Rokvić, Zoran Komazeec, Bojana Krstonošić, Biljana Srdić Galić, Siniša Babović - Basic psychological needs as sources of academic motivation for studying anatomy

Katarina Ivković - The relationship between unemployment, coping styles, perceived social support and life satisfaction among university graduates

Jasmina Nedeljković, Mirjana Franceško, Vladimir Njegomir - Metric characteristics of the enterpreneurial propensity scale (SKP-6)

Danijela Spasić, Ivana Radovanović - Gender-based violence perception among youth in Northern Kosovo

Enio Mateo Totić, Zoran Vavan - Working time - humanization of work principle

Dragan Manojlović, Dejana Đorđić, Vojislav Jović - Legal aspects of secret surveillance and recording and process authorities for its implemenation - comparative research

Tatjana Skakavac - Domestic violence - criminal justice perspective and societal reaction

Dragan Milidragović, Nenad Milić - Effectiveness of the use of body-worn cameras by police officers - theoretical grounds

Milica Kovačević - Incitement of national, racial and religious hate and intolerance in the light of the right to freedom of speech

Nikola M. Olbina - Abduction of a minor - non-compliance with court decisions of litigation courts and judicial practice analysis

Isidora Wattles, Ana Sentov, Aleksandra Erić-Bukarica - English for specific purposes - assessment of the current ESP curriculum at the Faculty of law and business studies dr Lazar Vrkatić