mr Almir Krkušić
Fabrika nameštaja „Dallas“ doo Novi Pazar

UDK 366.1

Contemporary Concept of Consumer Attitudes Research

Summary: Consumer attitudes research makes one of the crucial parts of the activities related to the marketing research process. Attitudes are very important determiner of the consumer behavior, thus by examining die consumer attitudes we are able to create high-quality informational grounds for the formulation and implementation of marketing strategies, as well as making various business decisions. Considering the fact that the companies which follow the principles and laws of the marketing orientation see tiheir customers as both the starting and the final point of ali their marketing activities, the research of customer attitudes can offer useful information related to needs and wishes of the target market, which moderates or even eliminates risk of making bad business decisions. However, attitudes are not only the crucial factor of the consumer behavior; they also represent a significant indicator for the image analyses for a certain producer, a certain brand or a service. Obtained results enable company to do a comparative analysis of its own image as well as the image of its direct competitors. In this way the diagnostics of the existing status can be performed but also certain advantages and disadvantages characteristic for the given company’s business operations can be recorded. Also based on the examined attitudes, the future consumers intentions can be predicted as well as the factors which have predominate influence on the customers’ decision making in the buying process.

Key words: attitudes, consumers, market research, marketing orientation, behavior, image
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